At SunHouse, we’re not just experts in digital marketing; we’re architects of your business success. Our proven strategies are designed to do more than just attract leads; we turn browsers into buyers, transforming your online presence into a revenue-generating powerhouse. Our numbers speak for themselves: with hundreds of thousands of leads generated and millions in revenue for our clients, our global agency stands at the forefront of digital marketing innovation. Year after year, we help our clients not just meet, but exceed their revenue goals. Why SunHouse? Our team’s exceptional performance consistently surpasses industry benchmarks. We don’t just follow trends – we set them. This dedication to excellence is why our clients see remarkable growth opportunities and why our track record shines in the digital marketing world.
At SunHouse, we’re not just experts in digital marketing; we’re architects of your business success. Our proven strategies are designed to do more than just attract leads; we turn browsers into buyers, transforming your online presence into a revenue-generating powerhouse. Our numbers speak for themselves: with hundreds of thousands of leads generated and millions in revenue for our clients, our global agency stands at the forefront of digital marketing innovation. Year after year, we help our clients not just meet, but exceed their revenue goals. Why SunHouse? Our team’s exceptional performance consistently surpasses industry benchmarks. We don’t just follow trends – we set them. This dedication to excellence is why our clients see remarkable growth opportunities and why our track record shines in the digital marketing world.
At SunHouse, we’re not just experts in digital marketing; we’re architects of your business success. Our proven strategies are designed to do more than just attract leads; we turn browsers into buyers, transforming your online presence into a revenue-generating powerhouse. Our numbers speak for themselves: with hundreds of thousands of leads generated and millions in revenue for our clients, our global agency stands at the forefront of digital marketing innovation. Year after year, we help our clients not just meet, but exceed their revenue goals. Why SunHouse? Our team’s exceptional performance consistently surpasses industry benchmarks. We don’t just follow trends – we set them. This dedication to excellence is why our clients see remarkable growth opportunities and why our track record shines in the digital marketing world.
Berman Cosmetic Surgery came to SunHouse Marketing to generate leads for their cosmetic surgery practice. Their current agency was not maximizing ad spend, nor tracking any of their digital events. SunHouse utilized the following to achieve our goals: Robust, targeted Google Ads campaigns, Landing page development & optimization, Facebook/Instagram ads, Search engine optimization, including Local SEO, In-depth Google analytics tracking & Hubspot setup and optimizationOur results for Berman Cosmetic Surgery have included over 5470 goal completions including:1858 leads from our Google Search and Display Ad campaigns1,750 leads from our SEO campaigns950 leads from our paid Facebook ad campaigns
SunHouse Marketing is renown for our work in the cosmetic surgery and weight loss clinic industries. With some of the lowest costs per leads in the business, our clients often tell us to turn down ads because their staff cannot handle all of the leads coming in the office!
At Home Therapy Turned to SunHouse Marketing to generate leads for their physical, speech and occupational therapy services to clients in the comfort of their home. SunHouse utilized the following to achieve our goals - creating a pipeline of consistent, cost-effective, qualified leads for their organization across the state of New Jersey:Geo-targeted Google Search campaignsLanding page development & optimizationIn-depth Google analytics tracking
Keynote speaker at Digital Marketing Expo
Overall rating
18 Reviews
Accuracy of Cost Estimates
Value for Money
Accuracy of Timeline
The Project
Jan 2023 - Jan 2024
25000-50000 USD
Business Development Director
10 - 49 employees
Overall rating
5Accuracy of Cost Estimates
5Communication & Responsiveness
5Accuracy of Timeline
5Value for Money
5Willingness to Refer
In conclusion, working with SunHouse Marketing has been a game-changer for our healthcare facility. Their innovative strategies and dedicated team have propelled us to new heights in the online landscape, attracting a steady stream of qualified leads and expanding our reach to a broader audience. We highly recommend their services to any business looking to elevate their digital marketing efforts.
Project Description
Our decision to partner with SunHouse Marketing was driven by their exceptional reputation and expertise in digital marketing. Over the course of several years, they have transformed our online presence and significantly increased our lead generation through strategic campaigns on platforms like Facebook and Google. Their guidance through a website redesign has been invaluable, and we are thrilled with the results.
SunHouse Marketing’s campaigns have successfully expanded our customer base beyond traditional referrals to online sources, greatly enhancing our visibility in the healthcare industry. Their team’s communication and knowledge have made the process seamless and rewarding for both our internal stakeholders and users.
There are no areas for improvement that come to mind. SunHouse Marketing has consistently met and exceeded our expectations, delivering exceptional results and demonstrating their expertise in the digital marketing field.
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The Project
Dec 2022 - Jan 2024
25000-50000 USD
Director of Undergraduate Programs
10 - 49 employees
Overall rating
5Accuracy of Cost Estimates
5Communication & Responsiveness
5Accuracy of Timeline
5Value for Money
5Willingness to Refer
SunHouse Marketing’s team of 3 key players - an account manager, strategist, and designer - collaborated seamlessly with our team. Their ability to listen to our input and adapt strategies accordingly was truly impressive.
Project Description
Our collaboration with SunHouse Marketing was focused on revolutionizing our digital marketing strategies for online learning platforms. They delved deep into understanding our unique degree program and the challenges we faced with launching our brand. Together, we crafted a dynamic strategy to propel our brand forward.
Innovative, driven, and proactive, SunHouse Marketing worked closely with us to develop a robust strategy and provide valuable insights. They took the time to fully understand our goals and were quick to pivot when needed.
Understanding the analytics proved to be a challenge for us. Although SunHouse Marketing provided monthly reports, it took some effort to grasp the data presented.
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The Project
Aug 2023 - Jan 2024
25000-50000 USD
VP of Business Development
Financial services
10 - 49 employees
Overall rating
5Accuracy of Cost Estimates
5Communication & Responsiveness
5Accuracy of Timeline
5Value for Money
5Willingness to Refer
Working with Sol and the team at SunHouse Marketing has been a game changer for our business. Their responsive communication, seamless workflow, and effective digital marketing strategies have exceeded our expectations and significantly improved our sales pipeline.
Project Description
By leveraging SunHouse Marketing’s expertise in digital marketing, our financial planning firm has experienced a complete transformation in our lead generation process. Through innovative Google Ad campaigns, we now receive a consistent flow of highly qualified leads on a regular basis.
Their ability to deliver on their promises and help us achieve our business goals is truly impressive.
There are no areas for improvement that I can think of.
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Considered other providers?
The Project
Social Media Marketing
Sep 2021 - Aug 2023
25000-50000 USD
2 - 9 employees
Overall rating
4Accuracy of Cost Estimates
5Communication & Responsiveness
4Accuracy of Timeline
5Value for Money
5Willingness to Refer
Working with Fran and her team at SunHouse Marketing was a rewarding experience. They provided valuable insights and direction, making them a highly recommended choice for digital marketing services in the Startup space.
Project Description
Our collaboration with SunHouse Marketing involved partnering with a team of creative and data-driven digital marketing consultants. Together, we worked on outlining and executing a comprehensive social media marketing strategy tailored to the US healthcare market.
SunHouse Marketing demonstrated exceptional project management skills, leading to a 20% increase in participant recruitment through social media marketing. Their creativity and innovation added a unique touch to our digital marketing efforts.
While SunHouse Marketing excelled in most areas, there were some challenges with content writing, particularly in the area of prolapse, where additional support was needed.
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Enterprise Solutions & Ecommerce Apps
JBHired is a recruitment agency specializing in sourcing senior digital and technology talents for its clients.