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ANS Performance Boosts Amazon PPC Advertising

By Sequence Commerce, Amazon Consulting Agency


ANS Performance

Project Description

Founded by a team of athletes with decades of supplement industry experience, ANS understands what it takes to get your body to perform at the highest level. Founded on the four pillars of passion, innovation, science, and quality, they started as a minor player and have captured a massive market share with standout branding and a great fulfillment partner.  The Challenge:ANS Performance was created from a ‘built-to-last’ mentality—which meant quality was everything and we didn’t want to disappoint. However, although their products were top-notch, ANS suffered from a limited catalogue selection and a lack of Amazon post-listing optimization which was bringing down the brand’s overall performance (pardon the pun.) Couple that with little advertising strategy and a lack of data insights—we had a lot of work ahead. How we helped: “We aggressively ran ads on competitors ASINS using Display ads to acquire on-page customers using a strategy we call ‘Competitor Conquesting’” says our Head of Growth, Trevon.Given our strong ability to use data on Amazon to understand our customers, our team was able to calculate the LTV of an ANS customer over the year to understand how much we were able to spend to acquire a new customer off Amazon.Alongside our conquesting strategy for new customers, we utilized branded keywords of our competition (ie C4, Ghost Supplements, and Vega) to showcase beautiful custom headline search ads to their customers when searching up their products – needless to say, the store quickly started ranking and performing well.Created Enhanced Amazon Brand Content (EBC) & Product Videos to help with on-page conversionGenerated Over 30M+ In Paid Search ImpressionsWe also started a 6-month retargeting campaign geared towards capturing the everyday supplement user—by serving our video every 60 days (right about when they start running out of product.) This strategy built ANS a loyal member base and began driving significant traffic to the storefront

Founded by a team of athletes with decades of supplement industry experience, ANS understands what it takes to get your body to perform at the highest level. Founded on the four pillars of passion, innovation, science, and quality, they started as a minor player and have captured a massive market share with standout branding and a great fulfillment partner.  The Challenge:ANS Performance was created from a ‘built-to-last’ mentality—which meant quality was everything and we didn’t want to disappoint. However, although their products were top-notch, ANS suffered from a limited catalogue selection and a lack of Amazon post-listing optimization which was bringing down the brand’s overall performance (pardon the pun.) Couple that with little advertising strategy and a lack of data insights—we had a lot of work ahead. How we helped: “We aggressively ran ads on competitors ASINS using Display ads to acquire on-page customers using a strategy we call ‘Competitor Conquesting’” says our Head of Growth, Trevon.Given our strong ability to use data on Amazon to understand our customers, our team was able to calculate the LTV of an ANS customer over the year to understand how much we were able to spend to acquire a new customer off Amazon.Alongside our conquesting strategy for new customers, we utilized branded keywords of our competition (ie C4, Ghost Supplements, and Vega) to showcase beautiful custom headline search ads to their customers when searching up their products – needless to say, the store quickly started ranking and performing well.Created Enhanced Amazon Brand Content (EBC) & Product Videos to help with on-page conversionGenerated Over 30M+ In Paid Search ImpressionsWe also started a 6-month retargeting campaign geared towards capturing the everyday supplement user—by serving our video every 60 days (right about when they start running out of product.) This strategy built ANS a loyal member base and began driving significant traffic to the storefront

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