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Platform for Making Personalized Purchases

By Testmatick


Project Description

This platform helps internet-shops to increase the sale quantity by means of making personalized purchases for the customers.Each customer can examine the page of unique internet-shop that have goods specially oriented for this or that customer. Platform generates list of goods that the customers are likely to buy and displays them immediately.This system analyses a lot of users’ data from social networks and also the behavior of each customer in the shop in order to create a unique special goods selection for each customer separately.

This platform helps internet-shops to increase the sale quantity by means of making personalized purchases for the customers.Each customer can examine the page of unique internet-shop that have goods specially oriented for this or that customer. Platform generates list of goods that the customers are likely to buy and displays them immediately.This system analyses a lot of users’ data from social networks and also the behavior of each customer in the shop in order to create a unique special goods selection for each customer separately.

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