By EvaCodes
Backed Protocol is the first Swiss decentralized platform to introduce insurance smart contracts for cryptocurrency trading.
Backed Protocol is the first Swiss decentralized platform to introduce insurance smart contracts for cryptocurrency trading.
Nebeus - monitor your bitcoin accounts, pay, trade, request and offer bitcoin loans easily. What we have done: - We attracted Senior Architect, who built the architecture based on a small number of requests. After development, we carried out 4 stages of project optimization, managed to develop a really fast product - Used ReactNative and Redux technology to create cross-platform - We attracted Senior Architect, who developed a scalable architecture that can withstand heavy loads. The app has passed several levels of pentest stress test
Plugin enables Shopify stores to sell NFTs and integrate token economics into their business model to create positive-sum feedback loops.
NFTs and a decentralized AMM Exchange with a multi-blockchain option