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Automation of onboarding, billing, and assets

By Eleven Dev


Diom Co-working

Project Description

Diom is a Riadh (Saudi Arabia) based Co-working space business. The client wanted us to automate the whole process including onboarding, user profiling, billing, amenities management etc. We created a Node JS based solution to achieve the goal.Technology Stack:Frontend: React JSBackend: Node JSDatabase: Mongo DBFeatures Built:Customer profiles with business detailsInventory management systemBilling dashboard and invoicingCoworking packages management and assigningReports and analytics with pdf download optionFigam link:  https://www.figma.com/proto/qCmjWy0EiFaD7I2JeFGQMB/ElevenDev-PORTAL?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=485-42296&viewport=1870%2C-231%2C0.02&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=485%3A42296&show-proto-sidebar=1

Diom is a Riadh (Saudi Arabia) based Co-working space business. The client wanted us to automate the whole process including onboarding, user profiling, billing, amenities management etc. We created a Node JS based solution to achieve the goal.Technology Stack:Frontend: React JSBackend: Node JSDatabase: Mongo DBFeatures Built:Customer profiles with business detailsInventory management systemBilling dashboard and invoicingCoworking packages management and assigningReports and analytics with pdf download optionFigam link:  https://www.figma.com/proto/qCmjWy0EiFaD7I2JeFGQMB/ElevenDev-PORTAL?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=485-42296&viewport=1870%2C-231%2C0.02&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=485%3A42296&show-proto-sidebar=1

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