By BrandTuitive
WINNING AGAINST HUNGER IN NEW JERSEY CHALLENGE:Formerly The Food Bank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties, the agency’s name and messaging did not adequately communicate the high quality and variety of services they offer to their clients. Their look and feel was dated and had to better reflect their industry-changing work.CORE INSIGHTS:Calling Fulfill a “Food Bank” did not communicate that they do much more than simply distribute food. They also offer food stamp assistance, affordable health care and more. Fulfill’s constituents want an organization that helps the local community and shares their results.WHY WE’RE PROUD:The new name, Fulfill, communicates the work they do fulfilling ALL the needs of the hungry. Immediately following the rebrand, more media than ever have asked to feature Fulfill in broadcast, print and digital PSAs.
WINNING AGAINST HUNGER IN NEW JERSEY CHALLENGE:Formerly The Food Bank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties, the agency’s name and messaging did not adequately communicate the high quality and variety of services they offer to their clients. Their look and feel was dated and had to better reflect their industry-changing work.CORE INSIGHTS:Calling Fulfill a “Food Bank” did not communicate that they do much more than simply distribute food. They also offer food stamp assistance, affordable health care and more. Fulfill’s constituents want an organization that helps the local community and shares their results.WHY WE’RE PROUD:The new name, Fulfill, communicates the work they do fulfilling ALL the needs of the hungry. Immediately following the rebrand, more media than ever have asked to feature Fulfill in broadcast, print and digital PSAs.
HELPING CREATIVES BRING THEIR VISION TO LIFE THROUGH COLOR CHALLENGEThe latest edition of Datacolor’s color calibration tool, the SpyderX, featured several product improvements related to accuracy, speed and ease of use. However, test results put SpyderX neck-and-neck with the top competitor. BrandTuitive was challenged with developing a campaign that convinced prosects to purchase the SpyderX. CORE INSIGHTSSpyderX product improvements tested very closely with the competition but were significantly better than the previous Spyder version. WHY WE’RE PROUDBrandTuitive delivered a unique product positioning and creative campaign that drew the attention of the SpyderX audience to the product’s brand-new, must-have features. This campaign is regarded as one of Datacolor’s most successful product launches. Sales and activations of SpyderX have progressively increased since its release.
PROVIDING ELEVATED TALENT CONSULTING TO NON-PROFITS CHALLENGEDRG is an executive search and talent consulting firm serving purpose-driven organizations. Their brand positioning and visual identity were not clearly differentiated from the competition, and they needed to communicate how a recent acquisition and investments in new service offerings benefited their non-profit target audience. CORE INSIGHTSDRG’s non-profit clients needed more than just executive search services but often were unaware of the full breadth of talent consulting expertise DRG offered. BrandTuitive learned that clients developed deeply trusting relationships with the team at DRG, counting on them for their expert consulting. When clients understood that DRG could partner with them on a wider scope of talent consultation, many expressed interest in expanding their engagements. WHY WE’RE PROUDBrandTuitive brought the brand position to life with a completely new website that clearly communicated DRG’s broader talent expertise with a unique logo, differentiated visual identity and friendly copy tone that matches their brand personality. The client loves their new brand and they’ve never been busier.
COLLABORATING WITH COMMUNITIES TO CREATE LASTING CHANGECHALLENGE:Episcopal Relief & Development facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives in communities worldwide. Having established their program priorities as Women, Children and Climate, they needed to better message their new focus and life-changing work. CORE INSIGHTS:Constituents see the work of Episcopal Relief & Development as highly sophisticated and uniquely effective in its approach. They want to be sure their contributions lead to lasting change in communities around the world that are struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease. WHY WE’RE PROUD:The new positioning, logo, tagline and messaging platform clearly communicate the organization’s collaborative approach in creating truly life-changing and lasting results. Since launching the new brand, Episcopal Relief & Development has seen noticeably deeper engagement from all of its constituents.